Works in Progress

Even my icon is a WIP

Check in daily to read the latest installments.

This blog was set up so I could share my writing as I do it, forcing me to update posts at least a few times a week. This is meant to keep working on the projects I start, even if they’re not cleaned up enough for AO3.

Important note; while explicit content will be tagged in descriptions, all content is assumed to be written for an 18+ audience. No underage readers allowed.

The Dragon and his Mate

Content warning: casual contempt of dragon born towards humans, lots of description of egg laying, and trans masculine style pregnancy. Also some vague sexy times. Jesse McCree paced in the palace garden, passing the koi pond and the growing pile of cigarette butts. It had been eight hours and they still hadn’t heard any news…

Alone for Valentines

The Shimada brothers both have plans for Valentines day, though while Genji’s date with Angela comes as no surprise, he didn’t expect to find Hanzo had one too . . . Updated January 28, 2021

Returning to Our Roots

“You came to me because you aren’t satisfied with how your life is now. If we are to make progress here you have to explore all options; you can’t keep retracing the same roads and expect them to take you somewhere new . . .” Art by @HAEDRAULICS


Happy New Year

Well, this past year was . . . a lot, I know I’m not the only one ready for a new start! Hope to see more readers this year, and I’ll try and give y’all more posts!

Art is an excerpt from “The Great Wave” by Hokusai circa. 1830

Writing Plan for September

This month is about finishing what I’ve started! So by the end of September I aim to finish “The Last Hunt” and “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”, and post the first sections of at least three of the other prompts! I may have to adjust this plan depending on how much energy this…

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

“God damn it, of all the fuckers he had to be trapped together with, why’d it have to be the new guy? All the cowboy had learned about Hanzo is that he was a cold, hard-ass who’d once stabbed his brother in the back. Jesse would have rather be trapped in there with Rhinehart, even…

The Last Hunt

“Few can take on the role of a monster hunter, and fewer who do manage to live to retirement. Jesse McCree managed both. Jesse had more scars than just his missing left arm, and more mysteries than the strange animal that was willing to let him on its back. He had seen too many things…

Writing Plan for August

To start this month off, I’ll be working on a series of writing prompts for McHanzo Week 2020, it’ll be a lot of work, but I hope y’all will enjoy following along. Promotional Arts by HAEDRAULICS

About Me

Part time writer and artist, full time McHanzo fan.

All artwork on this site is mine unless specified otherwise.

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